
Welcome to the World Sweeping Association

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Providing the contract sweeping community with the resources and information needed for effective decision-making in the 21st century.SM

You are at the top U.S. website for power sweeping contractors and the people who hire them.

WSA has been awarded a number of APEX Awards for Publication Excellence for the information we provide to WSA Members, including our twice-monthly newsletter and the content on the website.

If you are a power sweeping contractor, we urge you to join WSA. With our many benefits – and 90-day unconditional guarantee – you have nothing to lose!

Roundup LogoIn mid-September of 2017, WSA hosted the first manufacturer-independent power sweeping conference ever held in the United States. We invite you to read about the event, which was held in Kansas City, MO.

Access to award-winning information and ideas are more reasons why WSA Member Contractors can provide their sweeping clients with a competitive advantage. WSA Contractor Members have access to the most professional, up-to-date information in the power sweeping industry – 24/7/365. This WSA website is also where property managers can access experienced, knowledgeable contractors – 24/7/365. Learn more about WSA.
Sweeper Cutout Are you operating your company as professionally as possible? WSA was formed to increase the professional information and networking capabilities available to power sweeping contractors. This means access to an array of benefits, including a host of ‘best practices’ information available exclusively to WSA members. If you are a contractor and not yet a member, check out the many benefits of WSA membership.
All WSA Member Contractors have signed our industry-leading Ethics Statement and have been in business for at least a year.We invite you to take a look at the WSA Contractor Locator, powered by affiliate website, WorldSweeper.com.
Intro Startup Cover Thinking about becoming a power sweeping contractor? WSA’s management team has over two decades of experience in working with sweeping contractors. Before you start, learn how to…
  • assess your area’s potential
  • approach sweeping prospects
  • choose your first sweeper
  • price your services to compete profitably
Use this link to download the booklet in PDF format. Before you get into the contract sweeping business, download WSA’s FREE 20-page white paper, “Introduction to Contract Sweeping,” which will inform your decisionmaking.
Fundamentals Cover
Authored by WSA’s executive director, contractors praise this publication as the most comprehensive ‘how-to guide’ ever written for contract sweeping. Introduced in 1996 ‐ and last updated in 2022 – this award-winning, 250+ page publication has helped hundreds of sweeping contractors become more successful. Learn more.
Property Managers Graphic
Specify a WSA Contractor to assure superior performance.When property managers specify a WSA member, they have the peace of mind of knowing they are hiring a contractor that has access to the latest available sweeping industry information.Plus, every WSA Member has signed WSA’s Ethics Statement, initially developed by our affiliate, WorldSweeper.com. Before you hire your next sweeping contractor, find out more.
Brochure Cover GraphicCheck out our brochure to learn more. If you are a sweeping contractor, the more you know about WSA the more you will see the many advantages of joining the organization. On the WSA website you will find over 250 professional articles, many of which are interviews that include audio podcasts with the expert being interviewed. If you are a property manager or other buyer of sweeping services, you will see some of the many professional advantages available to WSA members. Once you do, you will realize the added value a WSA member brings to your property. Remember: Most sweeping contractors are on your property when you are not. Gain peace of mind knowing that every WSA member has signed our industry-leading Ethics Statement. Access a PDF version of our WSA brochure by clicking here.
Old Sweeper Courtesy of WSA, access FREE advice about purchasing used sweepers. It’s easy to make mistakes when you buy a used sweeper. This is especially true when you are purchasing a preowned sweeper from a remote state and/or from a private party. Our World Sweeping Association page on used sweeper purchasing provides good advice whether you are new to the industry or an old pro. The information will help you know what to look for in a used machine and the questions to ask the seller. Courtesy of WSA, this information is offered to any interested parties at no charge. Click here to check it out.