John Meola’s ‘Safety First!’ Bulletins

Internationally recognized safety expert, John Meola, provides WSA with a monthly Safety Bulletin. These are available and archived in this locale.

The Value of Front- and Rear-Facing Cameras

Info and links showing value of using dash cams in your business operations.

Ways to Emphasize and Obtain Fleet Safety

Links to three articles, each of which provides excellent material that can be used in a contractor safety meeting.

‘Street Racers’ on Parking Lot Injure Sweeper Operator

On August 25, 2023, the two-person team operating a parking lot sweeper owned by Oregon-based WSA member, Cantel Sweeping, encountered much more than an overly dirty lot. When they entered the area on that Friday night for a twice-monthly sweep, the lot was packed with perhaps as many as 200 ‘street racers.’

10 Things Drivers Should Do in Case of an Accident

List and explanation of 10 Things Drivers Should Do in Case of an Accident

Nighttime Work Zone Safety Guide

Nighttime Work Zone Safety Guide: The name says it all!

Maximizing Night Shift Sweeper Operator Safety

This article discusses and provides a list of what to do in order to maximize safety when an operator exits their sweeper to pick up debris, etc.

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