Saving Money on Fuel and Related Expenses

Ranger Kidwell-Ross, taught a seminar on how to save money in your sweeper operation. Although it emphasized fuel savings, a number of other areas were touched upon, as well.

Tips for Working Together as a Sweeping Contractor Husband and Wife Team by Karl and Lori Stauty;

This sweeping contractor couple provide tips designed to help you and your spouse operate your sweeping firm together more successfully.

Customer And Employee Loyalty: How Do You Rate?

The average company loses half their customers in 5 years and half their employees in 4 years. This has significant impact to overall customer, employee, investor and supplier loyalty.

Your Power Sweeping Competitors: Friends or Foes?

In order to survive as a sweeping contractor in today’s highly competitive market, there are several questions you need to consider. As in any business venture, taking time to evaluate a few key questions will provide a clearer picture of the direction to take to maximize your success. The first question is: “Who is the competition?” This may sound insignificant, but many contractors don’t realize who their biggest competitors are – and it’s not necessarily the other sweeping companies in town. I recognize three categories of competition: in-house, competing sweeper companies, and others.

Selecting and Implementing a Global Positioning System

Selecting and Implementing a Global Positioning System

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