WSA Member Update 7.1.14

WSA Logo July 1, 2014 Dear WSA Members, Welcome to new WSA Members Swept Away LLC, based in Northern Arizona, South Carolina’s Smith Cleaning LLC, and Florida-based Bay Clean Sweep, Inc. Swept Away was also chosen as the Featured Contractor for July because of comments the co-owner, Justin Paluszcyk, made on his WSA Membership Application. We have received updated information about Walmart’s recent bidding situation from one of our WSA Members who has a contact on that company’s upper management team. He was told that Walmart took its 10-15 best performing contractors in each region and gave them a chance to bid on the listed projects. The above appears to be why everyone did not get a notice of the bidding, but there’s no way to be sure. With one exception, the manager also mentioned that Walmart would not be putting snow removal out to bid because it was too late in the season and too risky of a service to take a chance on changing. The exception: Walmart may still bid snow removal out in the northern plains states. The same Member also reported that Brickman reps are calling contractors in the NE Region to, as they put it, ‘team up’ with as many snow removal contractors as possible for snow removal later in the year. If you have information that might be of interest to other WSA Members, please be sure to let us know.  
WSA Advisory Board Member, Michael Nawa, sent photos of his crew – dressed in t-shirts especially made for the event – at a volunteer project his PA-based company was involved in recently. Says Nawa: “Custom Maintenance Services recently volunteered our services to pick up the trash at the Mid-Atlantic Air Museum’s World War II commemorative weekend in Reading. The three-day event featured one of the largest World War II military shows in the country. You can find more information about the event at the museum’s website “We filled six 40-yard rolloff containers with trash. We supplied the trash cans, the dumpsters, dumping service and the trashbags, as well as housed all of the volunteers over a four-day period of time. Just another way Custom Maintenance Services supports the wider community that is our market area.” Kudos to Nawa and his Team for getting involved in this type of community project as well as in having the follow-through to promote their company volunteerism via press releases to us and local news media. FYI: Kirk Cowley, Supervisor for Michigan-based Founding WSA Member company, Curbco, reported that Viral Events, which puts on the ‘Run or Dye’ events, was unable to pay his company for their June 8th cleanup. Viral Events turns out to be a subsidiary of Base Camp, which has 15 BBB complaints for nonpayment over the last 3 years. Curbco’s agreement was payment via check within 72 hours of invoicing and the race director’s final response was: “Sorry we are in a cash crunch and I can call you in 6-8 weeks and let you know when we can possibly pay the bill.” If you’re approached by this company our advice is to get the majority of payment up front. US Flag Last though certainly not least, safety expert John Meola has provided us with a safety reminder we strongly encourage you to print and pass out to employees (or put onto bulletin board) so they have an opportunity to see the tips prior to the upcoming 4th of July holiday. We also have posted John’s safety tips for July, which cover general heat and humidity reminders, as well as tips for improving wearability of PPE clothing during summer months. These are both in our ‘Safety First’ posting area, in PowerPoint and PDF formats. Have an idea how WSA can be of even greater benefit? Just let us know! Good Sweeping, Ranger's Signature Ranger Kidwell-Ross Executive Director World Sweeping Association  
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