We invite you to join WSA today!
The content you’re trying to view is for members only; and, it is just one of over 250 articles available to WSA members. These include more than 100 audio podcasts by leading sweeping contractors and other industry professionals.
In addition, WSA membership offers many other
membership benefits. You can join with the knowledge that you will have a full 90 days to evaluate your benefits. If you are not 100% satisfied at the end of that time, all of your $350/year membership will be refunded.
If you are just starting out, your first year’s membership is just $100. Just join within 90 days of signing your first sweeping contract. We are also willing to evaluate your situation if you believe you might qualify for the few hardship memberships we offer each year. If so, just let us know.
We believe you will agree that WSA is the industry’s most professional, non-partisan power sweeping organization. See why for yourself today!
