Sweeper Parts Sales is a dedicated sweeper parts provider located in Burlington, Vermont. The founder, Gabriel Charky, was a principal in the Johnston/Allianz/Madvac sweeper organization from 1986 to 2008.
Gabriel then founded a company dedicated to providing quality-built sweeper parts for a select group of sweeper types, including Johnston, Allianz, Global, Bucher and Madvac.
The company’s commitment is to helping you reduce the running cost of your sweeper fleet by offering you the lowest possible prices on its entire inventory of sweeper OEM and aftermarket parts made to fit the brands shown above.
To use your membership benefit of receiving a 15% discount* off replacement parts for the above makes of sweepers, do the following:
Company parts professionals will check to confirm your WSA Membership by making sure you have a WorldSweeper.com Contractor Locator listing. If you are a Startup WSA Member, and so do not have a Contractor Locator listing, they will call the WSA office to confirm your WSA Membership.
* some discount exclusions apply
If you have suggestions, comments or other feedback on the program, please let us know via the comments link or contact form.